
Gardaí Appeal For Man Seen With Murdered Christy Hanley

Gardaí in Co Westmeath say they want to speak to an unidentified man seen with pensioner Christy Hanley in the hours before his violent death last week.

The 83-year-old, who is being laid to rest today, was found dead at his home in Kilbeggan last Thursday morning following an anonymous phonecall.

A post mortem revealed he died suffered a number of injuries during a robbery the previous night.

Gardaí investigating the case say they want to speak to a man seen with Mr Hanley last Wednesday afternoon.

He is described as between 30 and 40 years of age, wearing light-blue denims, with a blue track-suit top, a blue baseball cap and carrying a blue rucksack.

Gardaí are also appealing for information on the sale of mobile phone credit by retailers in Kilbeggan as part of the investigation into the murder of Christy Hanley.

It is one of almost 200 lines of inquiry being pursued following the murder of the 83-year-old farmer in the Co Westmeath town last Wednesday night.

More than 200 mourners gathered at St James' Church in Kilbeggan for the funeral Mass on Monday morning.


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