
Appeal For Information On Crossmaglen Weapons Seizure

PSNI detectives have issued an appeal for information on a cache of weapons recovered in a search operation in Crossmaglen in October, 2023.

The proactive search operation took place in the Monog Road area on 30 and 31 October 2023. Here, weapons and ammunition were discovered in a constructed hide, which was buried in a hedgerow on agricultural land.

Detective Inspector McCallum from the Police Service’s Serious Crime Branch said: "I can confirm that the find contained 10 firearms, a telescopic sight, magazines compatible with a number of the firearms recovered, and a large quantity of ammunition. The firearms consist of five revolvers, two Glock pistols, one AR-15 assault rifle and two shotguns.

"Forensic enquiries are ongoing and therefore it isn’t, at this stage, possible to attribute the weapons to a particular group or organisation."

Detective Inspector McCallum continued: "While we must keep an open mind about the origins of the weapons, there’s no doubt that this haul is significant and had the potential to seriously harm or kill. The discovery and seizure is a welcome step in disrupting criminal activity and preventing potential loss of life.

"I am taking this opportunity to appeal to anyone with information to contact us on 101. Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, who guarantee complete anonymity."

Contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

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