
Claremont Stadium Must Be Preserved As A Community Resource - SF

Claremont Stadium must be preserved as a community resource, Meath West Sinn Féin TD, Peadar Tóibín, has said.

Deputy Tóibín said that Sinn Féin was committed to seeing it retained.

He said: "Claremont Stadium is a key community and sports infrastructure in Navan. It is home to a large number of clubs and community organisations. Parkvilla Soccer Club, Navan Athletics Club, and Navan Badminton Club are just a few of the clubs that operate from the site.

"It is home to the only 8 lane running track in County Meath which is used by many Irish sports stars. It has a 400m Athletics Track and Field Events such as Long Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault and Throwing Area. Groups, such as Special Olympics, Parkvilla Belles, Youthreach, MIDWAY and other Athletic Clubs in the county have no alternative location for their training. It is key to the health and wellbeing of thousands of people in Meath.

"The future of Claremont Stadium is now in doubt. Its loans are in the hands of a vulture fund and a receiver has been appointed to find a new owner. This morning, a prospective new owner was to view the site. However, this viewing was called off due to a planned community protest to coincide with the viewing at the facility. I cannot iterate strong enough that the people of Meath will not tolerate the destruction of this facility to suit the objectives of a vulture fund or a prospective developer.

"Sinn Féin are the biggest political party in Navan and we have committed to preventing any planning permission change on the site. I have spoken to the receivers and to the bank to ensure that they fully understand that the strength of commitment that exists within the community to protect this community facility. I have also been in contact with Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross's office in order to seek government intervention."


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