
Irish Water To Invest €10.5m In Water Treatment Plant

Plans to upgrade Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant in Dublin have been unveiled by Irish Water.

The €10.5 million investment would see the existing open water reservoir upgraded to provide safe and secure drinking water for communities in Dublin City, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and South Dublin County.

The plans would involve the construction of a covered reservoir to store 16 million litres of treated drinking water, the decommissioning of the existing open storage reservoir at the site and work to upgrade the disinfection process at the treatment plant.

The works will be carried out by Coffey Construction on behalf of Irish Water and are expected to get underway in the coming weeks.

William McKnight, Asset Delivery Infrastructure Regional Lead at Irish Water, said: "The upgrade to the Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir is a priority project for Irish Water.

"This project is necessary to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of water to over 42,000 people in Dublin City, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and South Dublin County.

"After almost 130 years serving the community, the Ballyboden Reservoir will be modernised to adequately meet current requirements and the needs of future generations."


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