
New Animal Welfare Regulations Welcomed

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Simon Coveney has announced new animal welfare measures, which include new horse regulations and a review of the Control of Horses Act.

Welcoming the news, Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon said: "Horse Welfare has been an issue of concern in recent times. Following today’s announcements new horse regulations will be signed into law, including a review of the Control of Horses Act. These measures also see us inviting proposals on urban horse projects. I am delighted to see all of these areas of horse welfare receive the attention that they deserve.

"These regulations will consolidate existing regulations in further clarifying the identification and change of ownership of horses.   Closely linked to regulation, the control of horses and the consultation process will fully address the identification of horses and equine premises. Only last year the horsemeat crisis highlighted the importance of traceability of horses. Deficiencies were found in how horses were tracked and this needed to be addressed.

"The equine industry is extremely important in Ireland and especially in Co. Kildare. We need to make sure that measures are in place to protect all stakeholders; owners, farmers and the animals themselves.

"This Government is dedicated to supporting farmers and businesses in all regions of the country. We are dedicated to animal welfare and to supporting these industries into the future."


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