
Fifth Of Young People Can't Afford To Visit Doctor

A survey published today has revealed one in five young Irish people can't afford to pay for a doctor's appointment.

The research published by the National Youth Council surveyed over 1,000 young people across the country.

Among the issues covered in the report are Education, Voting Participation, Health, Housing and Personal Finance.

A spokesperson for the council said the research confirmed that many young people are prevented from availing of health services due to cost despite feeling their health is far from good.

Almost one third of those surveyed had not been to the doctor in the past year. One in five respondents had not attended the doctor when sick due to financial costs, and nearly half surveyed did not have health insurance.

James Doorley, Assistant Director at the National Youth Council of Ireland said: �We are living in very challenging times and the decisions that Government take will determine how long the country remains in a state of economic recession and to what extent we recover from the downturn."

Mr Doorley added the survey also demonstrated that the economic climate and the impact of recession is, and will have, devastating repercussions for many young people, especially those who do not have skills or qualifications required for a rapidly changing job market.


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