
Call For Shake-Up In Hand Gun Legislation As Ownership Quadruples.

A Fine Gael has called for shake up of Ireland's gun laws after figures emerge that ownership of hanguns has gone up nearly four times over, by 458% since 2004.

Fine Gael TD John Deasy raised the issue in the Daíl on Wednesday, saying the huge increase in the licensing of handguns in the country since 2004 meant that hand gun legislation was needed now.

"Effectively there has been a massive liberalisation in the ownership of handguns in the country," he said.

"Handgun ownership has increased by 458% since 2004, from 305 licensed handguns in 2004 to 1,701 last year," said Mr Deasey.

He added: "In June 2008, the Dáil was promised that legislation would be brought into force as quickly as possible and that the relevant legislation would be published in a number of weeks. The Bill has yet to be published."

The Minister has since raised the issue with senior Gardaí in Waterford, claiming the Government is not taking issue seriously enough, and called for a clarification on the issue of handgun licensing immediately.


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