
Public Hearings To Be Held Over Waterford Mortuary Concerns

A series of public hearings are to be held to discuss the ongoing issues with Waterford Mortuary, after a number of pathologists condemned the condition of the facility.

Consultants claimed dead bodies had been left on trolleys at the University Hospital Waterford, causing body fluids to leak on the floor.

The Oireachtas Health Committee will schedule hearings on the issues, after agreeing a request from Sinn Féin TD David Cullianane.

Deputy Cullinane said: "Today, I asked the Health Committee to consider a series of public hearings into the serious and profound issues that have been raised in relation to Waterford mortuary.

"I am happy to say that the Committee agreed and will schedule them in due course.

"It will hear from representatives from the South-South West hospital group, the four pathologists who initially raised the issue, as well as other relevant witnesses.

"We need to know exactly what has been going on with the mortuary, and why it has been left in a significant state of underinvestment for so long.

"The news that the State Pathologist has directed the Garda Síochána to avoid using the mortuary simply adds to the need for answers.

"It is unfortunate that the Taoiseach took it upon himself last week to dismiss public - and official - concerns.

"Hopefully the Minister for Health, his Department, the HSE, and the hospital group will take a more positive and proactive approach when the hearings begin.

"I look forward to putting questions to them and getting to the bottom of this matter."


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