
Alex White To Run For Labour Leadership

Minister of State Alex White is expected to declare his decision to run for leader of the Labour Party this morning.

The announcement follows Social Protection Minister Joan Burton's declaration that she would be contesting the leadership.

Mr White, TD for Dublin South, is to make a statement this morning at the Rosie Hackett Bridge in Dublin city centre.

Nominations are to close on Tuesday 3 June. Three other TDs have stepped forward to declare their campaign to become leader of Labour; Minister of State for Transport Alan Kelly, Cork South-West TD Michael McCarthy and Minister of State for Research and Innovation Seán Sherlock.

Tánaiste and Labour leader Eamon Gilmore announced he would be standing down from his position earlier in the week, following disastrous results for the party in recent elections.

He will remain in his role as Tánaiste until a new leader is appointed on 4 July.


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