
Sinn Féin Launch Job Plan For Meath

Sinn Féin has launched proposals on job creation for the Meath area, with the party's EU candidate Matt Carthy saying that Co Meath had "felt the full impact of the recession".

Councillor Carthy was in Meath for a series of engagements with community groups and voters to discuss jobs and small and medium enterprises.

"This morning I launched my party's proposals for small and medium businesses. Almost 70% of people employed in Ireland are employed in this sector which has made huge sacrifices throughout the recession. Some 128,000 jobs were lost in the sector between 2008 and 2012," Councillor Carthy said.

He added: "Sinn Féin has outlined 10 steps that can be taken to effectively assist SMEs to develop and create jobs now.

"Our proposals, which we outline in detail in the document, are to increase consumer demand; abolish upward only rents; tackle utility costs and rates; revive 'Brand Ireland'; open up procurement; end unnecessary license delays; resolve SME distress and priorities access to credit; increase labour intensive infrastructure investment and to tackle the costs of doing business on the border.

"For Sinn Féin, SMEs are the priority when it comes to fostering indigenous industry and ensuring job creation."


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