
72% Increase In Cases Of Genetal Herpes, Report Shows

Rising levels of positive results for Genital Herpes and Chlamydia indicate that the sexual health of the Irish population is now a serious cause for concern, according to the 2012 Annual Report of the Dublin Well Woman Centre which was released today.

The Dublin Well Woman Centre, which provides a range of primary health care services, family planning, counselling and sexual health services, has

today published new data in its 2012 Annual Report which shows a 72% increase in the level of positive results for Genital Herpes across its three

Dublin clinics in just 12 months.

The figures also show a 35% increase in the level of positive results for Chlamydia in the same time frame, with the number of people diagnosed with Chlamydia in Well Woman now at its second highest rate in the past ten years.

Alison Begas, Chief Executive of the Well Woman Centre said the Government must address the situation as a matter of urgency before it gets any worse.

The Department of Health commenced the development of a National Sexual Health Strategy during 2012, which is due for publication in the autumn.


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