
Debate Resumes On Moriarty Tribunal

The Taoiseach is due to respond to questions in the debate on the Moriarty Tribunal report today.

TD Michael Lowry has dismissed the tribunal findings and said Judge Michael Moriarty and his team had been involved in a witch-hunt not based on evidence.

Published last week, the Moriarty report followed a 14-year-long tribunal into the awarding of the second mobile phone licence to Esat Digifone in 1996 while Mr Lowry was Communications Minister.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said Mr Lowry had no mandate for the activities uncovered in the report.

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin is urging the Tipperary North TD to resign.

Mr Kenny will also face questions about Fine Gael and its fundraising in the 1980s.

Pat Rabbitte, Minister for Communications will round up the debate.

Mr Kenny has admitted wrong doing on the party's treatment of one donation and has published the legal advice on which their decisions at the time were based.


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