
U2 Star Compares Africa To Ireland Under Britain

U2 frontman Bono has compared the problems facing the African economy to Ireland under British rule.

Speaking at a development summit in Yokohama, Japan, the singer told audience members that as an Irishman, he empathised with the realities of Africa under colonisation.

He said: "What on earth might I have to offer? Well, the first thing is I'm Irish.

"We came out of colonisation, we had to deal with the British, we have a lot in common with Africa."

Bono said that while today's Irish economy is in a much healthier position, it wasn't always the case.

"Twenty years ago, our economy was down the toilet, the IMF were telling us what to do and the World Bank were down our pants."

Speaking to an audience that included around 40 African heads of state, as well as Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, Bono said Ireland's economic success could act as an inspiration to end Africa's poverty and food crises.

Bono went on to blame the Irish famine of the 19th century on the fact that food was transported to England while the people of Ireland starved to death.

The famine also caused hundreds of thousands of people to emigrate.

The singer said: "So bad management is in my folk history and I think if we have to gather around this food crisis... we've got to get good management."


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