
Ennis N18 Bypass Opens

Clare County Council recently announced that up to 10,000 vehicles per day are expected to use section two of the N18 Ennis bypass project, which opened to traffic on August 9.

The 5km single carriageway, which forms part of the N85 western relief road, runs from Clareabbey to Claureen and opens a new bypass to the south and west of the County Capital.

Paul Moroney, Project Resident Engineer, Clare County Council said: "The completion of this section of the Ennis Bypass finishes another part of this large road project. The remaining section will see the completion of the whole of the works and is currently scheduled for mid autumn of this year."

"This section of the bypass ties in to the old N18 at the Limerick road in the vicinity of Clareabbey. The roundabout at this tie in is called Clareabbey roundabout. The new bypass will provide relief to traffic wanting to bypass Ennis to the south and west of the town. It will in particular provide welcome relief to traffic wanting to travel to Kilrush, Kilkee, Ennistymon and Lahinch and to the people of West Clare."

"Roundabout junctions are provided at the Rocky road and Kilrush road, at the Beech park roundabout and at a new roundabout on the existing N85 at Claureen. New bridges are provided over the N68 Kilrush road and the river Claureen."

The Ennis Bypass project is funded by the Irish Government and part-financed by the European Union under the National Development Plan and Transport 21.

The scheme is co-financed at 85% by the cohesion fund of the EU.


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