
Miners Protest Postponed In Co Meath

Tara Mines workers in Co Meath have postponed a scheduled protest in Dublin following confirmation of a drastic reduction in their flat rate expenses.

Workers at the zinc and lead mine were due to take action outside Leinster House in Dublin today, 04 December, over the expense implementation due in the New Year.

Revenue had intended to reduce the annual €1,312 allowance for underground miners to €120 and in the case of surface workers from €655 to zero on 01 January 2020, according to SIPTU.

Sector Organiser John Regan later provided an update: "We received confirmation last night this will not now happen. The issue of flat rate expenses for PAYE workers will now be considered by the Tax Strategy Group within the Department of Finance. Until this review is completed the current flat rate expenses for PAYE workers will be maintained.

"We consider this a major victory for the Tara Mines workers who have lobbied TDs on this issue and were about to commence a major campaign to have the implementation of the drastic cuts in their expenses suspended."


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