
BAI Proposes Regulation Of Harmful Online Content

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), which is responsible for regulating TV and radio in Ireland, has proposed that it monitors harmful online content on social media.

The body requested power to issue notices to remove harmful content, promote awareness of cyber safety and develop an online safety code to be rolled out across Ireland. It also proposed to be given powers to regulate videos shared online, such as on YouTube and Facebook.

The vision for the future of media regulation has been submitted to the Government's public consultation on the Implementation of Revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive, initiated by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, Richard Bruton TD, earlier this year.

In the view of the BAI, introducing new rules through a single comprehensive regulatory scheme and regulator offers an opportunity to develop a vision for the future regulation of media content across all platforms and services which, at its heart, seeks to serve and protect audiences and users in the new media environment. The regulator should have regard to the wider objectives of content and services that serve citizens – ensuring Diversity and Plurality, the promotion of Freedom of Expression, sustaining and enhancing democratic discourse, and facilitating linguistic and cultural diversity.


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