
HSE Urged To Recognise Psychiatric Nurses Association

Sinn Féin spokesperson for workers' rights David Cullinane TD has today called on the HSE to recognise the right of the Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) to represent its members who are ambulance personnel with the HSE.

Making the call Deputy Cullinane said: "It has been a fundamental belief of the Irish trade union movement, going back to the 1913 Lockout, that workers should determine themselves who represents them.

"In the past few years there has been an increase in employers refusing to engage with trade unions.

"It is unfortunate that it appears that the HSE has took it upon itself to follow this practice in relation to the PNA and the ambulance personnel it represents.

"We cannot have a situation where lawyers and HR units are dictating who workers choose as their union.

"I call on the Minister for Health Simon Harris to speak to the HSE and to encourage the organisation to respect the free choice of workers to pick the union they believe should represent them in terms of collective bargaining, disciplinary proceedings and other industrial relations issues.

"Sinn Féin has produced a bill that will give trade unions ‘the right to be heard' and we intend to bring it to the Dail in the new year.

"It is wrong that an archaic practice such as non-recognition is still going on in the 21st century, and in our view it is completely unacceptable for a public sector body to act in this way."

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