
Taoiseach To Meet With US President Donald Trump

The Taoiseach is to meet with the US President Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday, 15 March.

Leo Varadkar, the Secretary of State Karen Bradley and NI political leaders are in Washington and on Wednesday they attended a dinner to raise funds for disadvantaged communities in Ireland.

Mr Varadkar is to hold a bilateral meeting with Mr Trump.

Mrs Bradley will use her first visit to the US as Secretary of State to build key relationships with US stakeholders who share a keen interest and influence in Northern Ireland and to reinforce the UK Government's priority to see devolution restored as soon as possible.

She said: "It is clear there remains much work to be done in securing a stable and prosperous future for all the people of Northern Ireland, and over the next few days, I want to reassure colleagues in the US that the UK Government remains committed to the Belfast Agreement.

"We cannot forget the vital contribution the US had in helping to secure the historic deal in 1998 that led to lasting peace in Northern Ireland and its continued support for the Northern Ireland political process. I am delighted to be here in person to acknowledge their role as we approach the 20th Anniversary of the Belfast Agreement."

Before returning to the UK, she will travel to New York to hold separate discussions with former President Bill Clinton and Senator George Mitchell, who were instrumental in brokering the Belfast Agreement, and is expected to update them on the current political situation in Northern Ireland.


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