
Over 3,100 Jobs Supported Through Microenterprise Loan Fund

Over 3,100 jobs have been supported by almost €20m in loans from the Microenterprise Loan Fund, according to the latest report from Microfinance Ireland.

Minister for Business and Employment, Pat Breen, said: "I am pleased to see Microfinance Ireland continuing to develop and grow. The loans it approves help to support micro enterprises across the country. As we approach the 5thanniversary of Microfinance Ireland beginning its operations, it has so far approved €19.6m in loans, helping to support 3,145 jobs.

"This quarter has been particularly noteworthy, with Microfinance Ireland being awarded the European Code of Good Conduct by the European Commission during Quarter 2 which confirms Microfinance Ireland's position as a best in class micro credit provider in Europe. I congratulate Garrett Stokes, CEO of Microfinance Ireland and his team on achieving this prestigious award."


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