
'Significant Improvements' Needed In Scoliosis Procedures

The Minister for Health, Simon Harris, has said that "significant improvements" are needed in the treatment of scoliosis.

Mr Harris made the comment as he welcomed the publication of the Children's Ombudsman's Report on scoliosis.

The Minister said: "This report rightly highlights the need for significant improvements to be achieved in terms of waiting times for scoliosis procedures for children and teenagers in Ireland."

"This absolutely is a priority for me, for the Government and for the HSE this year. I welcome the fact that the HSE has committed that no child will wait longer than 4 months for such a procedure by the end of the year. This would bring Ireland in line with waiting times in the NHS in the U.K."

"A range of measures will be used to get to this target including additional theatre capacity in Crumlin from April."

The Minister will be meeting again with scoliosis advocacy groups in the coming weeks to update them on progress.


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