
Louth Could Be 'Great New Home' For EU Agencies Currently In UK - O'Dowd

Louth would be a "great new home" for EU agencies currently based in the UK, Fine Gael TD for the region, Fergus O'Dowd, has said.

"The European Medicines Agency and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are just two of the big, important EU agencies based in London. One consequence of Britain's decision to leave the EU is that EU agencies such as these will no longer be able to base themselves in the UK," Minister O'Dowd said.

"I think we now need to make a case for County Louth, which would make a fantastic new home for these agencies.

"Louth, and Drogheda in particular, would be an ideal new home, considering its location, infrastructure and educated English speaking workforce.

"As a border county representative I'm very concerned about the free movement of people and goods between the UK and Ireland, and the need for this to continue. I know, having spoken to constituents over the weekend, that many of them rely on this movement and trade for their livelihood.

"I know that the Taoiseach will travel to Brussels tomorrow for a meeting of the European Council and I was pleased to hear him say in the Dáil earlier that our first priority as a Government will be to ensure that our own specific interests are protected to the maximum possible degree."


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