
Over 16% Increase In Visitors To Ireland - CSO

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) have shown an increase of 16.6% in the number of overseas visits to Ireland between January and March this year.

Welcoming the CSO report, Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Paschal Donohoe, said: "Today's data for the first quarter of 2016 shows continued strong growth in our overseas visit numbers which is welcome. Of course, the fact that Easter fell in March this year, along with the associated 1916 commemorative events, provided an added boost to these first quarter figures.

"Nevertheless, the information from the CSO confirms that 2016 has gotten off to a very good start and we are on track for another excellent year. 2015 was a record year for visitor numbers and the fifth consecutive year of growth. We are aiming to build on this strong performance.

"That is why earlier this year, Minister Ring and I published our Tourism Action Plan, which sets out the priority actions in the period to 2018. Undoubtedly we will face some challenges in the future. In particular we must remain competitive and never lose sight of the need to provide value for money. I am confident, however, that all of the fundamentals are in place to see the continued sustainable growth of Irish tourism in the years ahead."

Comparing the three-month period Jan '16 – Mar '16 with the period Jan '15 – Mar '15:

• Overall visits to Ireland were up by 16.6% to 1.785 million visits;

• North America was up by 24.5%;

• Visits from Mainland Europe were up by 14.1%;

• Great Britain registered an increase of 17.3%;

• Visits from the rest of the world increased by 8%.

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring TD, added: "I welcome the publication of further positive data concerning our tourism performance. With all our main markets performing well we look set to have a further year of growth in both visitor numbers and revenue. I know our tourism industry is always seeking to innovate and continually improve the visitor experience. I have been particularly impressed with how the industry has embraced the three tourism experience brands; the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland's Ancient East and Dublin – A Breath of Fresh Air."


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