
Irish Citizen Injured In Paris Attacks Stable

An Irish citizen injured during the terrorist attack on the Bataclan Theatre in Paris last Friday remains in a stable condition in hospital, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Charlie Flanagan TD has confirmed.

It is understood there is no indication that any further Irish casualties or fatalities have occurred.

Speaking following his earlier meeting with his EU Foreign Minister colleagues and en route for the resumption of political talks in Belfast, Minister Flanagan said: "One Irish citizen who was injured by gunshot in the Bataclan theatre incident is still in hospital in a stable condition. Officials from our Embassy in Paris and my Department in Dublin have remained in close contact with the citizen and their family and with the French authorities.

"While we continue to await full identification of all those who lost their lives in last Friday’s horrific series of incidents, at this stage we have received no indication from the French authorities that there have been any further Irish casualties or fatalities.

"My Department's emergency Consular Crisis Response Centre which was in operation over the weekend has now been stood down but the team in Embassy Paris and the Consular Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade here in Dublin remain ready to assist any citizens in need. I encourage anyone with particular concerns to contact the Consular Division on 01- 408 2000.

"I also appeal for full respect be shown at all times for the privacy of the injured Irish citizen and their family following what has been a hugely traumatic experience."

Minister Flanagan added: "Paris remains in a state of emergency and Irish citizens there should exercise caution and follow the instructions of the local authorities. While airports and borders remain open, anyone travelling within, to or from France should expect additional security measures and possible travel disruptions."


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