
Investment And Political Will Needed To End Homelessness - SF

Ending homelessness needs investment and political will, not platitudes, Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has said.

Mr Adams was speaking in response to a report of a 55% increase in homelessness since the beginning of 2015.

"Homelessness can be prevented and no one in this country should be left to live night to night without the certainty of a home," Mr Adams said.

"It is not good enough for An Taoiseach to say that no family should be in temporary accommodation while he leads a government that stood over increased homelessness.

"His government has failed to prevent homelessness, has failed to introduce rent control and failed to protect tenants against landlords. His government has failed to take the sides of homeowners against the banks, with repossessions on the rise.

"His government has failed to invest adequately in a social housing building programme and failed to fully fund homeless services. Homelessness can be prevented and ended, but it will take investment and political will not the platitudes offered today by the Taoiseach."


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