
Call For Govt To Help Parents With Back-To-School Costs

The government is being urged to help parents after a survey revealed "unacceptably" high rates of back-to-school costs.

The results of the survey, carried out by the Irish League of Credit Unions, have been described as "shocking".

Sinn Féin Education Spokesperson Deputy Jonathan O'Brien the burden is getting too much for parents.

He said: "It is completely unacceptable that parents are getting in to debt to buy school uniforms and books and PE gear, let alone actually cutting back on paying essential bills and buying food.

"Despite the line that is repeated by government members, the Minister for Education does have statutory power to compel schools to adopt particular policies under the Education Act regarding school uniforms or any other issues.

"The Minister has the capacity to make real changes that would positively affect the families struggling to fund their children's basic primary education.

"Empty rhetoric is not good enough, and while some schools are to be commended in the efforts they've made to reduce costs for parents, it is not acceptable to simply depend on the goodwill of Boards of Management who have done nothing in the past to address this issue."


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