
Sinn Féin Announce Hunger Strike Commemorations

Details of the National Hunger Strike Commemorations, due to take place in Dundalk on 23 August, have been announced by Sinn Féin.

Sinn Féin leader, Gerry Adams, joined Louth County Councillor Edel Corrigan and an invited audience at the Old Dundalk Jail.

Speaking at the launch event, Mr Adams said: "I can think of few more fitting venues in County Louth for the launch of the National Hunger Strike Commemoration than Dundalk Jail. This place has a long and interesting history when it comes to Irish republicanism, holding as it did many republican prisoners over the years whether at the behest of the British or Free State authorities.

"If the walls of this jail could talk, they would tell extraordinary stories. So, it is very appropriate that we launch our Hunger Strike Commemorative events here. The 1981 Hunger Strike was a pivotal point in Irish history. It came after a decade in which the British Government had deployed every conceivable weapon in its military and political arsenal to defeat the Irish republican struggle, but the British Government underestimated the commitment, resolve and determination of republican prisoners."

Also speaking at the launch event, Councillor Corrigan said: "This year is the 34th anniversary of the 1981 hunger strike which marked a historic watershed moment in Irish and republican history. The weekend of August 22nd August will see a series of events, including a lecture by Owen Carron in the Drogheda Arts Centre on Friday evening, a wreath laying ceremony at the Hunger Strike Monument, at the Bridge of Peace in Drogheda on Saturday morning; a guided tour of Republican graves at St. Patrick’s Graveyard, Dowdalshill, Newry Road; the film ‘A Kind of Sisterhood’ looking at the experience of women over the years of struggle – there will be a question and answer session after that with former women prisoners; a National Hunger Strike Exhibition in the Oriel Centre, Dundalk Gaol, and the march will take place on Sunday


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