
Fine Gael Welcome Job Announcement For Dublin West

News that up to 1,000 jobs are to be created during and following the construction of a new biologics manufacturing facility in Dublin West has been welcomed by Fine Gael Senator Catherine Noone.

Senator Noone welcomed the news that Alexion Pharmaceuticals is to develop their first facility outside the US.

"This is a huge vote of confidence in Ireland’s capacity in this skilled sector, with Dublin West due to become home to the first ever biologics manufacturing facility for this company outside of the United States", Senator Noone said.

"This company has a strong track record here. Since first entering Ireland in 2013, Alexion has invested €130 million in two facilities. Approximately 560 construction workers are involved in the development of the current Athlone and College Park projects, and the planned expansion of College Park is expected to create over 800 construction jobs. This is a welcome shot in the arm for the construction industry while also creating sustainable jobs for the future".

"The Action Plan for Jobs specifically targeted this sector as it has huge potential for employment growth and we are now seeing the benefits of that. This investment will be worth €450 million and, in total, will create 1,000 jobs. It is a further testament to the growing strength of the economy, and will provide welcome employment growth in Dublin West in the years ahead."


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