
Government 'Must Meet 3% Deficit Target By 2015'

Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte has told RTÉ the government needs to meet its deficit target of 3% by 2015.

But he said it should not be confined to making €3.1bn in savings in October's Budget; a move requested by the EU/IMF Troika.

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Mr Rabbitte said there would be some manoeuvrability in the Budget.

"Each year we have been moderately ahead of target. We are ahead of target this year," he said.

"All I'm saying is that the target shouldn't change, it should not be converted from a deficit percentage to an arbitrary amount of money. It is too early to say what the figures are going to be on Budget day, what the difference will be in taking out €3.1bn and achieving 5.1% deficit by the end of next year."

He added: "It is too early to say what manoeuvrability we will have, but we will have some manoeuvrability."


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