
OPW Documents Confirms Spend On Ministerial Office

Documents supplied to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) have revealed that an office re-fit for John McGuinness, when he was still a junior minister, cost almost three times more than its nearest comparison.

McGuinness, who is now chairman of the PAC, agreed for his own committee to look into all ministerial offices after the Irish Independent revealed that kitting-out his junior ministerial office cost €250,000.

According to the Irish Independent the Office of Public Works (OPW) has now sent details of the office spend, and how it compares to others, to the PAC.

The Irish Independent reported that it has seen the letter from the OPW, which confirms that Mr McGuinness's office in the Department of Enterprise cost €206,000 in 2007, rising to around €250,000 when VAT is added.

It is understood that these revelations will be discussed at a PAC meeting tomorrow (Thursday).


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