
SF Budget 'Hypocrisy' – FF

A Fianna Fáil spokesperson has responded to Sinn Féin’s pre budget proposals, describing the document as a mix of "hypocrisy and false accounting".

The party's spokesperson on jobs, Willie O’Dea, said although the proposal that Ireland should introduce a 48% income tax rate sounded reasonable, when taken in conjunction with the additional levies they suggested, would actually represent a 61% tax rate for those on €100k and 63% for those on €175k.

"This would take tax rates back to 1984 levels when Alan Dukes was in charge," Willie O'Dea said.

Mr O'Dea said the document was littered with examples of new tax hikes with no reference to the real cost and additional capital spending with no reference to the operational costs they would incur.

"For example, the ongoing running cost requirements of the various crèches, schools, medical centres and other facilities they propose building don’t get a mention."

Deputy O’Dea added: “Fianna Fáil are committed to providing solid and constructive opposition in this Dáil. This involves putting aside party politics and being open to any sensible proposals coming from any quarters. Unfortunately, the Sinn Féin pre-budget submission does not fall into this category."

Those earning under €75,000 will be better off under Sinn Fein's budget proposals, the party announced on Tuesday.

Amongst the proposals announced by Sinn Fein during their pre-budget submission on, the party put forward plans for a €100,000 cap on public sector pay, the abolition of the universal social charge, a 1% wealth tax and a third 48% tax rate targeting the better off.

Finance spokesman Pearse Doherty said the measures would go towards funding a €7 billion jobs package while protecting lower- and middle-income earners. “Everybody earning up to €75,000 will be actually be better off under the direct taxation, under Sinn Féin’s proposal,” he said.

“For those above €100,000, we genuinely believe that it is fair and right to ask them to pay seven cent more on each euro that they earn above that figure.”


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