
Cuts To Cost North Further £128m

Further cuts are to be made in NI's already reduced spending budget.

As First Minister Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness meet the leaders of the Scottish parliament and the Welsh assembly at Stormont for a summit, it has been revealed that the Northern Ireland Executive will have to save an extra £128m on top of other savings already anticipated this year.

The cuts are part of the overall package announced by the Treasury after the general election.

Chancellor George Osborne is giving the devolved regions the option of making the cuts now in this current financial year - or deferring them until the year after.

The Executive will decide which departments will be affected.

The cuts in 2010-2011 for devolved administrations will be £704m to be cut across NI, Scotland and Wales.

The Chancellor, George Osborne, said it was necessary to take "urgent action" to address the UK's budget deficit as he spelt out plans for £6.2bn worth of cuts.

This fresh round of £128m worth of cuts are on top of the £393m, that government departments in Northern Ireland have already been told they have to save this year.

However, the announcement is only the beginning of the government's three year programme to reduce the Uk's huge budget deficit.


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