
Abuse Report 'Not Published In Full'

The body responsible for the pivotal report on the churches handling of child abuse reports against priests, which is expected today, has revealed the report will not be published in full.

The Archdiocese Commission of Investigation expressed regret, stating that "due to circumstances outside its control" there would be omissions in the 700 page document to be released later today.

The commission acknowledged there would be disappointment as this would mean "a full picture is not available" where the actions of some people in church and State authorities were concerned.

The report was compiled from a sample survey of 46 priests against whom allegations were made in the Archdiocese of Dublin, and how the church throughout its ranks handled them.

The Commission also described as "a cause of great regret" the leaking of the report, or parts of it, to a newspaper last weekend.

In that leak it was uncovered that a former garda commissioner and other senior gardaí had improper communications with an Archbishop of Dublin in relation to criminal investigations into the abuse of children.

It is the second high profile impediment to the publication of the document after the report faced a legally enforced delay last month over some of it's contents posing a risk to a criminal investigation.

The high court cleared the report for publication after making some omissions for legal reasons in recent weeks before it was presented to Cabinet Ministers on Tuesday.

Following its approval by the high court The Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern, welcomed the court decision saying he was "anxious to put the Report into the public domain as quickly as possible".

Today in Dublin trauma counsellors are preparing for an onslaught of crisis calls after the anticipated revelations of cover-ups by the Catholic Church over the alleged clerical sex abuse.

There was a surge in calls after the publication of the Ryan Report in May, and councellors said they were preparing for a similar reaction to the Dublin Archdiocese inquiry.

The Irish Republic's Health Service Executive has also launched a special extended counselling helpline while the Samaritans said it was fully prepared for an increase in calls.


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