Nuala OHare Therapies, Newry

Nuala OHare Therapies Contact Details

Nuala OHare
07718 731 951
29 School Road,
County Down
BT34 1SX

About Nuala OHare Therapies

Nuala O’Hare Therapies
Nuala always had a passion for looking after her health believing “Your Health is your Wealth” this has taken her on a continuous journey. Developing a strong interest in complementary therapies following her own personal experience with trauma. She realised that through such therapies, people can be given the opportunity to take back their own health. Nuala gets immense satisfaction working with clients and meeting the challenges they bring to her, believing that the key to success involves the client actively engaging in their own healing process and being willing to take on such a commitment.

Nuala has trained in Bio-Resonance treatment which is a computerised diagnostic and treatment system using highly developed software to identify any disharmony in the body. More recently joining the class of 2019 to study Bio Kinesiology

Nuala OHare Therapies Image

Bio Kinesiology
Bio Kinesiology uses the art of muscle testing with the aim to find the root cause of the client’s health concern.

Its primary focus is to identify what lies beneath the symptoms, then restoring balance restabilising good health. Treating the cause of the imbalance rather than the symptoms, working with the body to facilitate healing and improved health.

Bio Kinesiology works within the body’s current chemistry to test for imbalances in the digestive system, liver, hormonal, adrenal and thyroid pathways, helping to identify food intolerances, toxins, bacteria and viruses.

Once the food intolerance or toxin is found, advice is given on how to eliminate it through diet, nutrition and supplementation with minerals, vitamins or herbal remedies enabling the immune system to be strengthened.

Bio Kinesiology is recommended for all age groups, health benefits following treatments have been seen in young babies and adults alike.

Bio Resonance
Bio Resonance is a computerised diagnostic and treatment system. Using highly developed software, a signal from specialized two-way headphones sends frequencies to the body which identify any disharmony in the body.

The treatment involves corrective vibrational signals administered to rebalance the cellular structures strengthening the part of the body receiving treatment. Results are monitored via the computer which both therapist and client observe and discuss.

Healthy cells resonate in exact harmony with the signal and areas of imbalance are identified. The analysis is presented in a colour coded format as the specific parts of the body are investigated. Symbols graded from white (healthy) to black (requiring treatment) appear as each part of the body is scanned. The analysis aids the therapist to identify areas requiring treatment, results are discussed and a treatment plan agreed.

Scenar is a patented signal identical to the body’s own neurological signals. This signal has been found to have a positive and beneficial effect on the body, restabilising balance and homeostasis. This signal works on a cellular level enabling profound and long lasting healing to take place. It literally speaks the body’s own language.

The Scenar device uses Biofeedback to enable the body to heal itself. The device sends out a series of constantly changing signals through the skin and measures the response.

When this balance is disrupted due to trauma or disease the Scenar device can re-establish and reactivate the bodies’ natural self balancing capabilities. This stimulation of the bodies own adaptive systems can bring about some of the powerful changes the body may need to restore itself back to balance and health.

Scenar Gloves
Scenar Gloves are silver treaded gloves, connected to the Scenar device which are applied to the skin. This allows the therapist to treat the client that maybe too sensitive to other treatments due to pain, swelling and/or injury. By holding the affected area with a very mild, yet effective signal.

This very unique treatment encourages a fresh blood supply allowing the muscles, connective tissue, ligaments, fascia and joints to increase circulation and regenerate. Resulting in pain reduction and decrease swelling.

The Scenar Glove treatment is very effective for:

  • Acute injuries, ankle sprains, deep bruising, recovery from knee replacement, etc.
  • Muscle tension, neck stiffness, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.
  • A complete body treatment for athletes, people under stress or anyone wanting that “feel good” feeling.

For more info please Get in touch

Location Map of Nuala OHare Therapies